Regroup histories for CMR analysis
If you have daily CMR data, it can be too huge information for CMR analysis using Rmark. A solution is to group data by time period. Here is a solution without using any for loop.
(With a modification by Alexandre Girard)
regrouphistory <- function(history, group=7) {
if (any(sapply(history, nchar)!=nchar(history[1]))) stop("All histories must be of the same length")
h1 <- strsplit(history, "")
factor <- as.character(1:((length(h1[[1]]) %/% group)+1))
f <- as.character(sapply(factor, FUN=function(x) rep(x, group)))[seq_along(h1[[1]])]
r <- sapply(h1, function(h) {
h3 <- vapply(split(h, f), function(x) ifelse(any(x=="1"), "1", "0"), FUN.VALUE = "0")
h3 <- h3[order(as.numeric(names(h3)))]
return(paste0(h3, collapse = ""))
histoire <- "000000001000010100000100000100001000000000000"
regrouphistory(histoire, group=10)
[1] "11110"
histoire <- c("000000001000010100000100000100001000000000000", "000000001000010100000100000100001000000000000")
regrouphistory(histoire, group=7)
[1] "0111100" "0111100"
Note that the last history has generally fewer information than the previous ones. It can generate problem. It is better to remove it.
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