Install treemix in ubuntu 20.04

Informations are available here

In terminal, enter for Ubuntu 20.04:


tar -xvf treemix-1.13.tar.gz

sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev

sudo apt install libboost-dev

sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

cd treemix-1.13/



sudo make install

And it works:

$ treemix

TreeMix v. 1.13

$Revision: 231 $


-h display this help

-i [file name] input file

-o [stem] output stem (will be [stem].treeout.gz, [stem].cov.gz, [stem].modelcov.gz)

-k [int] number of SNPs per block for estimation of covariance matrix (1)

-global Do a round of global rearrangements after adding all populations

-tf [file name] Read the tree topology from a file, rather than estimating it

-m [int] number of migration edges to add (0)

-root [string] comma-delimited list of populations to set on one side of the root (for migration)

-g [vertices file name] [edges file name] read the graph from a previous TreeMix run

-se Calculate standard errors of migration weights (computationally expensive)

-micro microsatellite data

-bootstrap Perform a single bootstrap replicate

-cor_mig [file] list of known migration events to include (also use -climb)

-noss Turn off sample size correction

-seed [int] Set the seed for random number generation

-n_warn [int] Display first N warnings


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