Colorized OTU based on their phylogenetic proximity
An elegant method to colorized points based on the phylogenetic proximity is presented in this paper:
Lespinats, S., Fertil, B., 2011. ColorPhylo: A color code to accurately display taxonomic classifications. Evol Bioinform Online 7, 257-270.
However, only matlab code is provided.
Here I provide R code of an enhanced version of this algorithm.
Now let calculate the colors for each OTU (here the orders) to reflect their phylogenetic proximities. The results are in a data.frame with one column with the OTU name and one column with the rgb() color:
dn <- cophenetic(bird.orders)
dimension.color <- 3
rgb <- isoMDS(d=dn, k=dimension.color)
rgb.OTU <- rgb$points
r <- apply(rgb.OTU, MARGIN=2, FUN="range")
for (col in 1:dimension.color)
rgb.OTU[, col] <- (rgb.OTU[, col]-r[1,col])/(r[2, col]-r[1, col])
OTUColor <- data.frame(OTU=rownames(rgb.OTU), color=rgb(red=rgb.OTU[, 1], green=rgb.OTU[, 2], blue=rgb.OTU[, 3]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
And here are the results:
plot(x=1:(dim(OTUColor)[1]), y=1:(dim(OTUColor)[1]), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
for (lgn in 1:(dim(OTUColor)[1]))
text(x=(dim(OTUColor)[1])/2, y=lgn, labels = OTUColor[lgn, "OTU"], col=OTUColor[lgn, "color"])
Lespinats, S., Fertil, B., 2011. ColorPhylo: A color code to accurately display taxonomic classifications. Evol Bioinform Online 7, 257-270.
However, only matlab code is provided.
Here I provide R code of an enhanced version of this algorithm.
Now let calculate the colors for each OTU (here the orders) to reflect their phylogenetic proximities. The results are in a data.frame with one column with the OTU name and one column with the rgb() color:
dn <- cophenetic(bird.orders)
dimension.color <- 3
rgb <- isoMDS(d=dn, k=dimension.color)
rgb.OTU <- rgb$points
r <- apply(rgb.OTU, MARGIN=2, FUN="range")
for (col in 1:dimension.color)
rgb.OTU[, col] <- (rgb.OTU[, col]-r[1,col])/(r[2, col]-r[1, col])
OTUColor <- data.frame(OTU=rownames(rgb.OTU), color=rgb(red=rgb.OTU[, 1], green=rgb.OTU[, 2], blue=rgb.OTU[, 3]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
And here are the results:
plot(x=1:(dim(OTUColor)[1]), y=1:(dim(OTUColor)[1]), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
for (lgn in 1:(dim(OTUColor)[1]))
text(x=(dim(OTUColor)[1])/2, y=lgn, labels = OTUColor[lgn, "OTU"], col=OTUColor[lgn, "color"])
And now the phylogeny:
par(mar=c(1, 4, 1, 1))
plot(bird.orders, tip.color=OTUColor[match(bird.orders$tip.label, OTUColor$OTU), "color"])
You can of course combine this method with all the various ways to plot dendrogram shown here:
For example:
hc = hclust(dist(mtcars))
phylo_hc <- as.phylo(hc)
dn <- cophenetic(phylo_hc)
dimension.color <- 3
rgb <- isoMDS(d=dn, k=dimension.color)
rgb.OTU <- rgb$points
r <- apply(rgb.OTU, MARGIN=2, FUN="range")
for (col in 1:dimension.color)
rgb.OTU[, col] <- (rgb.OTU[, col]-r[1,col])/(r[2, col]-r[1, col])
# order of colors=1, 2, or 3
red <- 1
green <- 2
blue <- 3
OTUColor <- data.frame(OTU=rownames(rgb.OTU),
color=rgb(red=rgb.OTU[, red], green=rgb.OTU[, green], blue=rgb.OTU[, blue]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colLab <- function(n) {
if (is.leaf(n)) {
a <- attributes(n)
labCol <- OTUColor[which(OTUColor[, "OTU"] == a$label), "color"]
attr(n, "nodePar") <- c(a$nodePar, lab.col = labCol)
hcd = as.dendrogram(hc)
clusDendro = dendrapply(hcd, colLab)
# make plot
plot(clusDendro, main = "Cool Dendrogram", type = "triangle")
# Note the difference when order of colors is changed
red <- 3
green <- 2
blue <- 1
OTUColor <- data.frame(OTU=rownames(rgb.OTU),
color=rgb(red=rgb.OTU[, red], green=rgb.OTU[, green], blue=rgb.OTU[, blue]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
clusDendro = dendrapply(hcd, colLab)
# make plot
plot(clusDendro, main = "Cool Dendrogram", type = "triangle")
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