Example of Mantel test to compare dissimilatry matrices

A Mantel test measures the correlation between two matrices typically containing measures of distance.  A Mantel test is one way of testing for spatial autocorrelation.

Example of R code:


# Random points

points <- as.matrix(data.frame(longitude=rnorm(20, 3, 2), latitude=rnorm(20, 23, 2)))
caracteristiques <- rnorm(20, 12, 3)

plot(x=points[,"longitude"], y=points[, "latitude"], pch=19, cex=2*caracteristiques/max(caracteristiques))

# matrice des distances euclidiennes de caractéristiques
disC <- rdist(x1=caracteristiques)
# Matrice de distances entre les points basée sur la distance terrestre
disL <- spDists(x=points, longlat = TRUE)

plot(disL, disC)

MT <- mantel(xdis=disC, ydis=disL, method="pearson", permutations=999)


# Generate relationship

caracteristiques <- rnorm(20, points[,"latitude"]*points[,"longitude"], 3)

plot(x=points[,"longitude"], y=points[, "latitude"], pch=19, cex=2*caracteristiques/max(caracteristiques))

# matrice des différences de caractéristiques
disC <- rdist(x1=caracteristiques)

disL <- spDists(x=points, longlat = TRUE)

plot(disL, disC)

MT <- mantel(xdis=disC, ydis=disL, method="pearson", permutations=999)


# With the package ape


MT <- mantel.test(m1=disC, m2=disL, nperm = 999, graph = TRUE)


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