Install ou update RcppArmadillo package in MacOSX Sierra

If the update is done with clang++ installed with Xcode, installation will fail. You must install a specific version of clang++.

First install homebrew, using in terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then install llvm
brew install --with-clang llvm

Then, you will find clang++ on /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++. You can add these lines in the .profile:

export PATH

Run R in terminal, and in R, enter:

The correct clang++ will be find and compilation works.

Note that different versions of clang++ are used if you run RStudio or R in terminal:
In RStudio:
> system("clang++ --version")
Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/

In R in terminal:
> system("clang++ --version")
clang version 4.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_400/final)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0
Thread model: posix

InstalledDir: /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin

In R GUI in application folder:

> system("clang++ --version")
Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/

It is possible to use Rstudio with the correct version of clang++ if you run Rstudio from terminal:

open -a Rstudio

Then in Rstudio:

> system("clang++ --version")
clang version 4.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_400/final)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin


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