° symbol and other unicode codes in knitr
To use ° symbol in knitr or sweave, first load the latex package gensymb and after use this code $\degree$.
Then the beginning of your code should be something like that:
If the package gensymb is not present, alternative is to do:
To use the ° symbol within a chunk, you must define the encoding. Be sure also to save the .Rnw file using the same encoding (command File -> Save with encoding... in Rstudio).
For latin1:
degree <- "°"
For utf8 (based on a remark of Yihui Xie in r-help list):
If you use pdflatex, you have to declare the font encoding
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} when you save the document with UTF-8:
degree <- "°"
For XeTeX, you will have to use different packages, fontspec and
xunicode. Here is a minimal example for XeTeX:
degree <- "°"
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