stepAIC from package MASS with AICc
Due to a bug in dropterm() and addterm() in package MASS, it is impossible to use AICc with stepAIC(). Here is a solution. Enter these commands and now you can use:
stepAIC(g0, criteria="AICc")
stepAIC(g0, criteria="BIC")
For example:
datax <- data.frame(y=rnorm(100), x1=rnorm(100),
x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100), x4=rnorm(100))
g0 <- glm(y ~ x1+x2+x3+x4, data=datax)
gx_AICc <- stepAIC(g0, criteria="AICc")
gx_AIC <- stepAIC(g0, criteria="AIC")
gx_AIC <- stepAIC(g0, criteria="BIC")
stepAIC(g0, criteria="AICc")
stepAIC(g0, criteria="BIC")
For example:
datax <- data.frame(y=rnorm(100), x1=rnorm(100),
x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100), x4=rnorm(100))
g0 <- glm(y ~ x1+x2+x3+x4, data=datax)
gx_AICc <- stepAIC(g0, criteria="AICc")
gx_AIC <- stepAIC(g0, criteria="AIC")
gx_AIC <- stepAIC(g0, criteria="BIC")
The error is located in the line:
Original line in MASS (v 7.3.54) in from getFromNamespace("addterm.glm", ns="MASS") or getFromNamespace("dropterm.glm", ns="MASS"):
aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k)[2L] - aic[1L])
aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k, ...)[2L] - aic[1L])
I have send a message to Brian Ripley without answer.
addterm.glm <- function (object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq",
"F"), k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE, ...)
Fstat <- function(table, rdf) {
dev <- table$Deviance
df <- table$Df
diff <- pmax(0, (dev[1L] - dev)/df)
Fs <- diff/(dev/(rdf - df))
Fs[df < .Machine$double.eps] <- NA
P <- Fs
nnas <- !
P[nnas] <- safe_pf(Fs[nnas], df[nnas], rdf - df[nnas],
lower.tail = FALSE)
list(Fs = Fs, P = P)
if (missing(scope) || is.null(scope))
stop("no terms in scope")
if (!is.character(scope))
scope <- add.scope(object, update.formula(object, scope))
if (!length(scope))
stop("no terms in scope for adding to object")
oTerms <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")
int <- attr(object$terms, "intercept")
ns <- length(scope)
dfs <- dev <- numeric(ns + 1)
names(dfs) <- names(dev) <- c("<none>", scope)
add.rhs <- paste(scope, collapse = "+")
add.rhs <- eval(parse(text = paste("~ . +", add.rhs)))
new.form <- update.formula(object, add.rhs)
oc <- object$call
Terms <- terms(new.form)
oc$formula <- Terms
fob <- list(call = oc, terms = Terms)
class(fob) <- class(object)
x <- model.matrix(Terms, model.frame(fob, xlev = object$xlevels),
contrasts = object$contrasts)
n <- nrow(x)
oldn <- length(object$residuals)
y <- object$y
newn <- length(y)
if (newn < oldn)
warning(sprintf(ngettext(newn, "using the %d/%d row from a combined fit",
"using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit"), newn,
oldn), domain = NA)
wt <- object$prior.weights
if (is.null(wt))
wt <- rep(1, n)
Terms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
ousex <- match(asgn, match(oTerms, Terms), 0L) > 0L
if (int)
ousex[1L] <- TRUE
X <- x[, ousex, drop = FALSE]
z <-, y, wt, offset = object$offset, family = object$family,
control = object$control)
dfs[1L] <- z$rank
dev[1L] <- z$deviance
sTerms <- sapply(strsplit(Terms, ":", fixed = TRUE), function(x) paste(sort(x),
collapse = ":"))
for (tt in scope) {
if (trace) {
message(gettextf("trying + %s", tt), domain = NA)
stt <- paste(sort(strsplit(tt, ":")[[1L]]), collapse = ":")
usex <- match(asgn, match(stt, sTerms), 0L) > 0L
X <- x[, usex | ousex, drop = FALSE]
z <-, y, wt, offset = object$offset, family = object$family,
control = object$control)
dfs[tt] <- z$rank
dev[tt] <- z$deviance
if (is.null(scale) || scale == 0)
dispersion <- summary(object, dispersion = NULL)$dispersion
else dispersion <- scale
fam <- object$family$family
if (fam == "gaussian") {
if (scale > 0)
loglik <- dev/scale - n
else loglik <- n * log(dev/n)
else loglik <- dev/dispersion
aic <- loglik + k * dfs
aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k, ...)[2L] - aic[1L])
dfs <- dfs - dfs[1L]
dfs[1L] <- NA
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, Deviance = dev, AIC = aic, row.names = names(dfs),
check.names = FALSE)
o <- if (sorted)
else seq_along(aod$AIC)
if (all(
aod <- aod[, -3]
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "Chisq") {
dev <- pmax(0, loglik[1L] - loglik)
dev[1L] <- NA
LRT <- if (dispersion == 1)
else "scaled dev."
aod[, LRT] <- dev
nas <- !
dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, "Pr(Chi)"] <- dev
else if (test == "F") {
if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson")
warning(gettextf("F test assumes 'quasi%s' family",
fam), domain = NA)
rdf <- object$df.residual
aod[, c("F value", "Pr(F)")] <- Fstat(aod, rdf)
aod <- aod[o, ]
head <- c("Single term additions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)))
if (scale > 0)
head <- c(head, paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
dropterm.glm <- function (object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq",
"F"), k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE, ...)
x <- model.matrix(object)
n <- nrow(x)
asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
if (missing(scope))
scope <- drop.scope(object)
else {
if (!is.character(scope))
scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)),
if (!all(match(scope, tl, 0L)))
stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
ns <- length(scope)
ndrop <- match(scope, tl)
rdf <- object$df.residual
chisq <- object$deviance
dfs <- numeric(ns)
dev <- numeric(ns)
y <- object$y
if (is.null(y)) {
y <- model.response(model.frame(object))
if (!is.factor(y))
storage.mode(y) <- "double"
wt <- object$prior.weights
if (is.null(wt))
wt <-, n)
for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
if (trace) {
message(gettextf("trying - %s", scope[i]), domain = NA)
ii <- seq_along(asgn)[asgn == ndrop[i]]
jj <- setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), ii)
z <-[, jj, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = object$offset,
family = object$family, control = object$control)
dfs[i] <- z$rank
dev[i] <- z$deviance
scope <- c("<none>", scope)
dfs <- c(object$rank, dfs)
dev <- c(chisq, dev)
dispersion <- if (is.null(scale) || scale == 0)
summary(object, dispersion = NULL)$dispersion
else scale
fam <- object$family$family
loglik <- if (fam == "gaussian") {
if (scale > 0)
dev/scale - n
else n * log(dev/n)
else dev/dispersion
aic <- loglik + k * dfs
dfs <- dfs[1L] - dfs
dfs[1L] <- NA
aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k, ...)[2L] - aic[1L])
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, Deviance = dev, AIC = aic, row.names = scope,
check.names = FALSE)
o <- if (sorted)
else seq_along(aod$AIC)
if (all(
aod <- aod[, -3]
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "Chisq") {
dev <- pmax(0, loglik - loglik[1L])
dev[1L] <- NA
nas <- !
LRT <- if (dispersion == 1)
else "scaled dev."
aod[, LRT] <- dev
dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, "Pr(Chi)"] <- dev
else if (test == "F") {
if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson")
warning(gettextf("F test assumes 'quasi%s' family",
fam), domain = NA)
dev <- aod$Deviance
rms <- dev[1L]/rdf
dev <- pmax(0, dev - dev[1L])
dfs <- aod$Df
rdf <- object$df.residual
Fs <- (dev/dfs)/rms
Fs[dfs < 1e-04] <- NA
P <- Fs
nas <- !
P[nas] <- safe_pf(Fs[nas], dfs[nas], rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, c("F value", "Pr(F)")] <- list(Fs, P)
aod <- aod[o, ]
head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)))
if (scale > 0)
head <- c(head, paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
dropterm <- dropterm.lm <- dropterm.glm
addterm <- addterm.lm <- addterm.glm
extractAIC.glm <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, criteria = c("AIC",
"AICc", "BIC"), ...) {
criteria <- match.arg(arg=criteria, choice=c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC"))
AIC <- fit$aic
edf <- length(fit$coefficients)
n <- nobs(fit, use.fallback = TRUE)
if (criteria == "AICc") return(c(edf, AIC + (2*edf*(edf+1))/(n - edf
if (criteria == "AIC") return(c(edf, AIC-2*edf + k*edf))
if (criteria == "BIC") return(c(edf, AIC -2*edf + log(n)*edf))
extractAIC <- extractAIC.lm <- extractAIC.glm
stepAIC <- function (object, scope, scale = 0, direction = c("both", "backward",
"forward"), trace = 1, keep = NULL, steps = 1000, use.start = FALSE,
k = 2, ...)
mydeviance <- function(x, ...) {
dev <- deviance(x)
if (!is.null(dev))
else extractAIC(x, k = 0)[2L]
cut.string <- function(string) {
if (length(string) > 1L)
string[-1L] <- paste("\n", string[-1L], sep = "")
re.arrange <- function(keep) {
namr <- names(k1 <- keep[[1L]])
namc <- names(keep)
nc <- length(keep)
nr <- length(k1)
array(unlist(keep, recursive = FALSE), c(nr, nc), list(namr,
step.results <- function(models, fit, object, usingCp = FALSE) {
change <- sapply(models, "[[", "change")
rd <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
dd <- c(NA, abs(diff(rd)))
rdf <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
ddf <- c(NA, abs(diff(rdf)))
AIC <- sapply(models, "[[", "AIC")
heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table",
"\nInitial Model:", deparse(formula(object)), "\nFinal Model:",
deparse(formula(fit)), "\n")
aod <- if (usingCp)
data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
`Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd, Cp = AIC,
check.names = FALSE)
else data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
`Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd, AIC = AIC,
check.names = FALSE)
attr(aod, "heading") <- heading
class(aod) <- c("Anova", "data.frame")
fit$anova <- aod
Terms <- terms(object)
object$formula <- Terms
if (inherits(object, "lme"))
object$call$fixed <- Terms
else if (inherits(object, "gls"))
object$call$model <- Terms
else object$call$formula <- Terms
if (use.start)
warning("'use.start' cannot be used with R's version of 'glm'")
md <- missing(direction)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
backward <- direction == "both" | direction == "backward"
forward <- direction == "both" | direction == "forward"
if (missing(scope)) {
fdrop <- numeric()
fadd <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (md)
forward <- FALSE
else {
if (is.list(scope)) {
fdrop <- if (!is.null(fdrop <- scope$lower))
attr(terms(update.formula(object, fdrop)), "factors")
else numeric()
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope$upper))
attr(terms(update.formula(object, fadd)), "factors")
else {
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope))
attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)), "factors")
fdrop <- numeric()
models <- vector("list", steps)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list <- vector("list", steps)
n <- nobs(object, use.fallback = TRUE)
fit <- object
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1L]
bAIC <- bAIC[2L]
if (
stop("AIC is not defined for this model, so 'stepAIC' cannot proceed")
if (bAIC == -Inf)
stop("AIC is -infinity for this model, so 'stepAIC' cannot proceed")
nm <- 1
Terms <- terms(fit)
if (trace) {
cat("Start: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n", cut.string(deparse(formula(fit))),
"\n\n", sep = "")
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = "", AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
usingCp <- FALSE
while (steps > 0) {
steps <- steps - 1
ffac <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (!is.null(sp <- attr(Terms, "specials")) && !is.null(st <- sp$strata))
ffac <- ffac[-st, ]
scope <- factor.scope(ffac, list(add = fadd, drop = fdrop))
aod <- NULL
change <- NULL
if (backward && length(scope$drop)) {
aod <- dropterm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = max(0,
trace - 1), k = k, ...)
rn <- row.names(aod)
row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1L], paste("-", rn[-1L], sep = " "))
if (any(aod$Df == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
zdf <- aod$Df == 0 & !$Df)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1L]
ch <- abs(aod[zdf, nc] - aod[1, nc]) > 0.01
if (any(is.finite(ch) & ch)) {
warning("0 df terms are changing AIC")
zdf <- zdf[!ch]
if (length(zdf) > 0L)
change <- rev(rownames(aod)[zdf])[1L]
if (is.null(change)) {
if (forward && length(scope$add)) {
aodf <- addterm(fit, scope$add, scale = scale,
trace = max(0, trace - 1), k = k, ...)
rn <- row.names(aodf)
row.names(aodf) <- c(rn[1L], paste("+", rn[-1L],
sep = " "))
aod <- if (is.null(aod))
else rbind(aod, aodf[-1, , drop = FALSE])
attr(aod, "heading") <- NULL
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nzdf <- if (!is.null(aod$Df))
aod$Df != 0 |$Df)
aod <- aod[nzdf, ]
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1L]
o <- order(aod[, nc])
if (trace) {
print(aod[o, ])
if (o[1L] == 1)
change <- rownames(aod)[o[1L]]
usingCp <- match("Cp", names(aod), 0) > 0
fit <- update(fit, paste("~ .", change), evaluate = FALSE)
fit <- eval.parent(fit)
nnew <- nobs(fit, use.fallback = TRUE)
if (all(is.finite(c(n, nnew))) && nnew != n)
stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
Terms <- terms(fit)
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1L]
bAIC <- bAIC[2L]
if (trace) {
cat("\nStep: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n",
cut.string(deparse(formula(fit))), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (bAIC >= AIC + 1e-07)
nm <- nm + 1
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = change, AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
fit$keep <- re.arrange(keep.list[seq(nm)])
step.results(models = models[seq(nm)], fit, object, usingCp)
addterm.glm <- function (object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq",
"F"), k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE, ...)
Fstat <- function(table, rdf) {
dev <- table$Deviance
df <- table$Df
diff <- pmax(0, (dev[1L] - dev)/df)
Fs <- diff/(dev/(rdf - df))
Fs[df < .Machine$double.eps] <- NA
P <- Fs
nnas <- !
P[nnas] <- safe_pf(Fs[nnas], df[nnas], rdf - df[nnas],
lower.tail = FALSE)
list(Fs = Fs, P = P)
if (missing(scope) || is.null(scope))
stop("no terms in scope")
if (!is.character(scope))
scope <- add.scope(object, update.formula(object, scope))
if (!length(scope))
stop("no terms in scope for adding to object")
oTerms <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")
int <- attr(object$terms, "intercept")
ns <- length(scope)
dfs <- dev <- numeric(ns + 1)
names(dfs) <- names(dev) <- c("<none>", scope)
add.rhs <- paste(scope, collapse = "+")
add.rhs <- eval(parse(text = paste("~ . +", add.rhs)))
new.form <- update.formula(object, add.rhs)
oc <- object$call
Terms <- terms(new.form)
oc$formula <- Terms
fob <- list(call = oc, terms = Terms)
class(fob) <- class(object)
x <- model.matrix(Terms, model.frame(fob, xlev = object$xlevels),
contrasts = object$contrasts)
n <- nrow(x)
oldn <- length(object$residuals)
y <- object$y
newn <- length(y)
if (newn < oldn)
warning(sprintf(ngettext(newn, "using the %d/%d row from a combined fit",
"using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit"), newn,
oldn), domain = NA)
wt <- object$prior.weights
if (is.null(wt))
wt <- rep(1, n)
Terms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
ousex <- match(asgn, match(oTerms, Terms), 0L) > 0L
if (int)
ousex[1L] <- TRUE
X <- x[, ousex, drop = FALSE]
z <-, y, wt, offset = object$offset, family = object$family,
control = object$control)
dfs[1L] <- z$rank
dev[1L] <- z$deviance
sTerms <- sapply(strsplit(Terms, ":", fixed = TRUE), function(x) paste(sort(x),
collapse = ":"))
for (tt in scope) {
if (trace) {
message(gettextf("trying + %s", tt), domain = NA)
stt <- paste(sort(strsplit(tt, ":")[[1L]]), collapse = ":")
usex <- match(asgn, match(stt, sTerms), 0L) > 0L
X <- x[, usex | ousex, drop = FALSE]
z <-, y, wt, offset = object$offset, family = object$family,
control = object$control)
dfs[tt] <- z$rank
dev[tt] <- z$deviance
if (is.null(scale) || scale == 0)
dispersion <- summary(object, dispersion = NULL)$dispersion
else dispersion <- scale
fam <- object$family$family
if (fam == "gaussian") {
if (scale > 0)
loglik <- dev/scale - n
else loglik <- n * log(dev/n)
else loglik <- dev/dispersion
aic <- loglik + k * dfs
aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k, ...)[2L] - aic[1L])
dfs <- dfs - dfs[1L]
dfs[1L] <- NA
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, Deviance = dev, AIC = aic, row.names = names(dfs),
check.names = FALSE)
o <- if (sorted)
else seq_along(aod$AIC)
if (all(
aod <- aod[, -3]
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "Chisq") {
dev <- pmax(0, loglik[1L] - loglik)
dev[1L] <- NA
LRT <- if (dispersion == 1)
else "scaled dev."
aod[, LRT] <- dev
nas <- !
dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, "Pr(Chi)"] <- dev
else if (test == "F") {
if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson")
warning(gettextf("F test assumes 'quasi%s' family",
fam), domain = NA)
rdf <- object$df.residual
aod[, c("F value", "Pr(F)")] <- Fstat(aod, rdf)
aod <- aod[o, ]
head <- c("Single term additions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)))
if (scale > 0)
head <- c(head, paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
dropterm.glm <- function (object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq",
"F"), k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE, ...)
x <- model.matrix(object)
n <- nrow(x)
asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
if (missing(scope))
scope <- drop.scope(object)
else {
if (!is.character(scope))
scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)),
if (!all(match(scope, tl, 0L)))
stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
ns <- length(scope)
ndrop <- match(scope, tl)
rdf <- object$df.residual
chisq <- object$deviance
dfs <- numeric(ns)
dev <- numeric(ns)
y <- object$y
if (is.null(y)) {
y <- model.response(model.frame(object))
if (!is.factor(y))
storage.mode(y) <- "double"
wt <- object$prior.weights
if (is.null(wt))
wt <-, n)
for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
if (trace) {
message(gettextf("trying - %s", scope[i]), domain = NA)
ii <- seq_along(asgn)[asgn == ndrop[i]]
jj <- setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), ii)
z <-[, jj, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = object$offset,
family = object$family, control = object$control)
dfs[i] <- z$rank
dev[i] <- z$deviance
scope <- c("<none>", scope)
dfs <- c(object$rank, dfs)
dev <- c(chisq, dev)
dispersion <- if (is.null(scale) || scale == 0)
summary(object, dispersion = NULL)$dispersion
else scale
fam <- object$family$family
loglik <- if (fam == "gaussian") {
if (scale > 0)
dev/scale - n
else n * log(dev/n)
else dev/dispersion
aic <- loglik + k * dfs
dfs <- dfs[1L] - dfs
dfs[1L] <- NA
aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k, ...)[2L] - aic[1L])
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, Deviance = dev, AIC = aic, row.names = scope,
check.names = FALSE)
o <- if (sorted)
else seq_along(aod$AIC)
if (all(
aod <- aod[, -3]
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "Chisq") {
dev <- pmax(0, loglik - loglik[1L])
dev[1L] <- NA
nas <- !
LRT <- if (dispersion == 1)
else "scaled dev."
aod[, LRT] <- dev
dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, "Pr(Chi)"] <- dev
else if (test == "F") {
if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson")
warning(gettextf("F test assumes 'quasi%s' family",
fam), domain = NA)
dev <- aod$Deviance
rms <- dev[1L]/rdf
dev <- pmax(0, dev - dev[1L])
dfs <- aod$Df
rdf <- object$df.residual
Fs <- (dev/dfs)/rms
Fs[dfs < 1e-04] <- NA
P <- Fs
nas <- !
P[nas] <- safe_pf(Fs[nas], dfs[nas], rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, c("F value", "Pr(F)")] <- list(Fs, P)
aod <- aod[o, ]
head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)))
if (scale > 0)
head <- c(head, paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
dropterm <- dropterm.lm <- dropterm.glm
addterm <- addterm.lm <- addterm.glm
extractAIC.glm <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, criteria = c("AIC",
"AICc", "BIC"), ...) {
criteria <- match.arg(arg=criteria, choice=c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC"))
AIC <- fit$aic
edf <- length(fit$coefficients)
n <- nobs(fit, use.fallback = TRUE)
if (criteria == "AICc") return(c(edf, AIC + (2*edf*(edf+1))/(n - edf
if (criteria == "AIC") return(c(edf, AIC-2*edf + k*edf))
if (criteria == "BIC") return(c(edf, AIC -2*edf + log(n)*edf))
extractAIC <- extractAIC.lm <- extractAIC.glm
stepAIC <- function (object, scope, scale = 0, direction = c("both", "backward",
"forward"), trace = 1, keep = NULL, steps = 1000, use.start = FALSE,
k = 2, ...)
mydeviance <- function(x, ...) {
dev <- deviance(x)
if (!is.null(dev))
else extractAIC(x, k = 0)[2L]
cut.string <- function(string) {
if (length(string) > 1L)
string[-1L] <- paste("\n", string[-1L], sep = "")
re.arrange <- function(keep) {
namr <- names(k1 <- keep[[1L]])
namc <- names(keep)
nc <- length(keep)
nr <- length(k1)
array(unlist(keep, recursive = FALSE), c(nr, nc), list(namr,
step.results <- function(models, fit, object, usingCp = FALSE) {
change <- sapply(models, "[[", "change")
rd <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
dd <- c(NA, abs(diff(rd)))
rdf <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
ddf <- c(NA, abs(diff(rdf)))
AIC <- sapply(models, "[[", "AIC")
heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table",
"\nInitial Model:", deparse(formula(object)), "\nFinal Model:",
deparse(formula(fit)), "\n")
aod <- if (usingCp)
data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
`Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd, Cp = AIC,
check.names = FALSE)
else data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
`Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd, AIC = AIC,
check.names = FALSE)
attr(aod, "heading") <- heading
class(aod) <- c("Anova", "data.frame")
fit$anova <- aod
Terms <- terms(object)
object$formula <- Terms
if (inherits(object, "lme"))
object$call$fixed <- Terms
else if (inherits(object, "gls"))
object$call$model <- Terms
else object$call$formula <- Terms
if (use.start)
warning("'use.start' cannot be used with R's version of 'glm'")
md <- missing(direction)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
backward <- direction == "both" | direction == "backward"
forward <- direction == "both" | direction == "forward"
if (missing(scope)) {
fdrop <- numeric()
fadd <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (md)
forward <- FALSE
else {
if (is.list(scope)) {
fdrop <- if (!is.null(fdrop <- scope$lower))
attr(terms(update.formula(object, fdrop)), "factors")
else numeric()
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope$upper))
attr(terms(update.formula(object, fadd)), "factors")
else {
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope))
attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)), "factors")
fdrop <- numeric()
models <- vector("list", steps)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list <- vector("list", steps)
n <- nobs(object, use.fallback = TRUE)
fit <- object
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1L]
bAIC <- bAIC[2L]
if (
stop("AIC is not defined for this model, so 'stepAIC' cannot proceed")
if (bAIC == -Inf)
stop("AIC is -infinity for this model, so 'stepAIC' cannot proceed")
nm <- 1
Terms <- terms(fit)
if (trace) {
cat("Start: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n", cut.string(deparse(formula(fit))),
"\n\n", sep = "")
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = "", AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
usingCp <- FALSE
while (steps > 0) {
steps <- steps - 1
ffac <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (!is.null(sp <- attr(Terms, "specials")) && !is.null(st <- sp$strata))
ffac <- ffac[-st, ]
scope <- factor.scope(ffac, list(add = fadd, drop = fdrop))
aod <- NULL
change <- NULL
if (backward && length(scope$drop)) {
aod <- dropterm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = max(0,
trace - 1), k = k, ...)
rn <- row.names(aod)
row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1L], paste("-", rn[-1L], sep = " "))
if (any(aod$Df == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
zdf <- aod$Df == 0 & !$Df)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1L]
ch <- abs(aod[zdf, nc] - aod[1, nc]) > 0.01
if (any(is.finite(ch) & ch)) {
warning("0 df terms are changing AIC")
zdf <- zdf[!ch]
if (length(zdf) > 0L)
change <- rev(rownames(aod)[zdf])[1L]
if (is.null(change)) {
if (forward && length(scope$add)) {
aodf <- addterm(fit, scope$add, scale = scale,
trace = max(0, trace - 1), k = k, ...)
rn <- row.names(aodf)
row.names(aodf) <- c(rn[1L], paste("+", rn[-1L],
sep = " "))
aod <- if (is.null(aod))
else rbind(aod, aodf[-1, , drop = FALSE])
attr(aod, "heading") <- NULL
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nzdf <- if (!is.null(aod$Df))
aod$Df != 0 |$Df)
aod <- aod[nzdf, ]
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1L]
o <- order(aod[, nc])
if (trace) {
print(aod[o, ])
if (o[1L] == 1)
change <- rownames(aod)[o[1L]]
usingCp <- match("Cp", names(aod), 0) > 0
fit <- update(fit, paste("~ .", change), evaluate = FALSE)
fit <- eval.parent(fit)
nnew <- nobs(fit, use.fallback = TRUE)
if (all(is.finite(c(n, nnew))) && nnew != n)
stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
Terms <- terms(fit)
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1L]
bAIC <- bAIC[2L]
if (trace) {
cat("\nStep: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n",
cut.string(deparse(formula(fit))), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (bAIC >= AIC + 1e-07)
nm <- nm + 1
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = change, AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
fit$keep <- re.arrange(keep.list[seq(nm)])
step.results(models = models[seq(nm)], fit, object, usingCp)
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