Quadratic polynomials in glm and confidence interval of extremum
It is frequent that a variable is modeled using quadratic equation in glm if we suspect that there is a minimum or maximum. However it is less easy to characterize where is located the extremum. One solution is given here but it does not allow to direct fit the data:
Stimson JA, Carmines EG, Zeller RA (1978) Interpreting polynomial regression. Sociological Methods & Research 6 (4):515-615
Stimson JA, Carmines EG, Zeller RA (1978) Interpreting polynomial regression. Sociological Methods & Research 6 (4):515-615
Let do an example:
First generate some data:
xobs <- 1:100
# If a2 positive, the parabole has a minimum
# If a2 negative, the parabole has a maximum
# The value of a2 is related to the curvature at the point x=b
a2 <- 0.1
# The b value is the position of the maximum or minimum
b <- 40
# The c value is a shift parameter. The "0" will be at c !
c <- 100
yobs <- a2*(xobs-b)^2+c
plot(xobs, yobs, ylim=c(0, 400), type="l", bty="n", las=1)
This second order equation is not of the classical form a2*x^2+a1*x+a0 and thus it cannot be fitted directly using glm.
It must be converted in a second step:
# It can be changed into a classical second order equation using:
a1 <- -2*a2*b
a0 <- a2*b^2+c
yobs <- a2*xobs^2+a1*xobs+a0
points(xobs, yobs, col="red", pch=3)
Now let do some optimization using glm:
yobs <- yobs + rnorm(100)*20
plot(xobs, yobs, ylim=c(0, 500), type="p", bty="n", las=1)
g0 <- glm(formula = yobs ~ xobs + I(xobs^2))
Note the use of I(xobs^2) and not poly(xobs, 2). poly() uses orthogonal polynomials by default and they cannot be used here, so do no forget to use raw=TRUE.
Note the use of I(xobs^2) and not poly(xobs, 2). poly() uses orthogonal polynomials by default and they cannot be used here, so do no forget to use raw=TRUE.
c <- coef(g0)
names(c) <- c("a0", "a1", "a2")
v <- vcov(g0)
rownames(v) <- colnames(v) <- c("a0", "a1", "a2")
a0; a1; a2
(b <- -a1/(2*a2))
(c <- a0 - a2*b^2)
And the confidence interval is...
And the confidence interval is...
# How to get the SE and CI of b and c
# The confidence interval of the position of the extremum (b)
deltaMethod(c, "-a1/(2*a2)", v)
# The confidence interval of shift (c)
deltaMethod(c, "a0 - a2*(-a1/(2*a2))^2", v)
# The confidence interval of the curvature at the extremum (a2)
deltaMethod(c, "a2", v)
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