Bug in shiny::updateCheckboxGroupInput()
If you want unselected all checkboxes defined using updateCheckboxGroupInput , the syntax should be: updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId, selected = NULL) However, it does not work. You must indicate again the parameter choices explicitly Look at this code: rm(list = ls()) library(shiny) runApp(list( ui = basicPage( checkboxGroupInput('chkGrp', label="Choix", choices=list("A"="a", "B"="b", "C"="c", "D"="d", "E"="e")), actionButton("all","All"), actionButton("noneWithChoices","None With Choices"), actionButton("noneWithoutChoices","None Without Choices"), actionButton("partial","Partial"), verbatimTextOutput("value") ), server = function(input, output, session) { ...