Install and running APACHE SPARK (R) from scratch
I suppose that you use R 3.x.x (in my case 3.5-devel) and Rstudio > 1.1.x (in my case 1.2.308). Updated the 25/3/2018 with the last version of SPARK. # In Rstudio, first install the package HelpersMG from CRAN and update it: install.packages("HelpersMG.tar.gz") install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="source") # Then load the HelpersMG library and the last version of SPARK: library("HelpersMG") wget("") system("tar -xvzf spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz") # Change the .profile and .Rprofile for future use SPARK_HOME <- file.path(getwd(), "spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7") HOME <- system("echo $HOME", intern = TRUE ) fileConn<-file(file.path(HOME, ".profile")) total <- readLines(fileConn) writeLines(c(total, paste0(...