
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2017

Install package igraph on MacOSX or in Ubuntu

I fail to install this package from source. However the macbinary can be installed fine. > library(HelpersMG) Le chargement a nécessité le package : coda > wget("") essai de l'URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 6928223 bytes (6.6 MB) ================================================== downloaded 6.6 MB > install.packages("igraph_1.1.2.tgz", repos=NULL) * installing *binary* package ‘igraph’ ... * DONE (igraph) For Ubuntu 16.04: apt - get update # refresh apt - get install software - properties - common add - apt - repository - y "ppa:marutter/rrutter" add - apt - repository - y "ppa:marutter/c2d4u" apt - get update # now with new repos apt - get install r - cran - igraph News: In ubuntu 22.04: sudo apt - get install libglpk - d...